There is correlation between areas with high search interest in right wing extremist news sights, and interest in a of conspiracies. These conspiracies are used to discount media sources and democratic party members. The millions of people who believe in these conspiracies find it hard to believe in facts reported by CNN, when the "leftist media" is controlled by the deep state. It is used to accuse the members of the DNC are all lizard people/ pedophiles. These conspiracies are found commonly referred to by infowars, Breitbart and even Trump's own twitter acount. Conspiracy theories used to be believed only by members of the fringes of society and extremists. This has changed drastically when a conspiracist won the white house, and made the owner of Breitbart, Steve Bannon white house chief strategist. These conspiracies are no longer delusions in the minds of the lunatics. They have real world consequences, such as when a man with a loaded machine gun walked into Comet Pizza to attempt to stop the pedophiles of the Pizzagate conspiracy. Conspiracy theorist are gaining power and popularity across america. Now more than ever it is becoming more important to understand these theories, the minds of the people who create them, those who spread them, and work to find the truth.